What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

things or/and people

the things we love, the people we love
the people we love, the things we love
the things the people we love love
the people who love the things we love

the people who love the people we love
the people who hate the people we hate
the things the things we love make us love
the things the things we love make us hate

the people we love who love the things we hate
the people we love who hate the things we love
the people we love who love the people we hate
the people we love who hate the people we love

the people whom we love but don't love us
the people who love us but whom we don't love
the people who cry and the people who laugh
the people of pain the people who are sane

the people we hate for how we love them
the people we love for how we hate them
the people we love for how we love them
the people we love

the things, the little small things
the things we love, people force us to hate
the things that help us love the people we love
the things that help us give some love to ourselves
the people who love us, help us love ourselves, and teach us to love

what crime hath i done to have to include hate in this love
why the design so
why should i complain, why shouldn't i complain
who am i to complain, who am i to not complain

the things we love, the the people we love
the people we love, the things we love

Saturday, February 18, 2012


sometimes i wonder if the people we love have anything to do with how much we love them or how we feel about them. at times, the lines become so blurred, they tend to really feel like an object of desire. why do we love them, because of how we feel about them, or because how they make us feel, because what side of us they bring out. what are we really in love with, them or us. im not sure momentarily if its them, it seems in this moment that we just really love ourselves, they are the instrument, the carriers, the missing connection to ourselves. we cant really feel ourselves unless we love, cant really feed ourselves that craving, that hunger inside of us, the need, shameless and naked, brown and green.

they form the channels
we are the pit and the crater
never ending, never there
sometimes here, and sometimes there

Friday, February 17, 2012


so what aches/wakes you up today m'lady
what change has the world failed to bring today
what grace have you further grown today
tell me o prized one, how do you manage to get better every day
tell me quite simply, if today is today and yesterday no longer is
how have you grown fairer today
what has changed
 listen:  beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
what is new
tell me all, and i shall know
i shall live and i shall sing
in the beautiful mellow moments
of your grace of your touch, that gets warmer everyday
the power you have, the power you gave away
what will betray you, pray tell me today
let the bliss be forgotten if it tell me
just tell how you're different from yesterday
 listen:  F a a i n t s !
and i shall give you my being as usual, simple straight, same, the nothing man
oh if you ever fainted, i should be there, i shall be there
oh if you ever dropped, my arms would be there, by the balcony by the bay, in the jungle below the moonlight fighting its way
but the moonlight beautiful as it maybe can never know, even as it weaves throw the leaves and trees
we are entangled far worse

 if words can send shivers down are spines, i guess the touch of our palms would just run riots, disrupt the machinery within