What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Friday, February 17, 2012


so what aches/wakes you up today m'lady
what change has the world failed to bring today
what grace have you further grown today
tell me o prized one, how do you manage to get better every day
tell me quite simply, if today is today and yesterday no longer is
how have you grown fairer today
what has changed
 listen:  beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder
what is new
tell me all, and i shall know
i shall live and i shall sing
in the beautiful mellow moments
of your grace of your touch, that gets warmer everyday
the power you have, the power you gave away
what will betray you, pray tell me today
let the bliss be forgotten if it tell me
just tell how you're different from yesterday
 listen:  F a a i n t s !
and i shall give you my being as usual, simple straight, same, the nothing man
oh if you ever fainted, i should be there, i shall be there
oh if you ever dropped, my arms would be there, by the balcony by the bay, in the jungle below the moonlight fighting its way
but the moonlight beautiful as it maybe can never know, even as it weaves throw the leaves and trees
we are entangled far worse

 if words can send shivers down are spines, i guess the touch of our palms would just run riots, disrupt the machinery within

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