What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

blah blah black sheep

Somewhere down the line
I shall be able to see
That the world I live in
Is make believe

As the light moments fade out
And as the dark ones begin to enter
I am nothing but a pale imitation
That is beginning to render

Somewhere between the bliss and the pain
There is an orgy of human condition
Laughing and mocking at itself
In an endless loop

I shall continue to change
I can only continue to change
But the sad notice the morning paper shall bring
Is that all remains the same

There is no escape
There is no relief
From the tormentor
That lives with me

Every time I sit back
And bring out my typewriter
It looks at me mockingly
And catches me alone

The jobs that we are given
The jobs that we take
The jobs that we finish, and
The jobs that we fail

Are all doing nothing
But simply building
A quiet sullen downfall
Of the most useless organ that lives in me


Darling give me your wings
Give me flight
You can't understand

Dawn and rise
Engulfing me with dew-laden bliss
Chill in the breeze
I can reach out but I can't explain
Walking down
I feel like a heavy troll
Times like this
I feel like I've been deprived

Darling give me your wings
Give me flight
you can't understand
I am the nothing man

You're the bird
You have flight, you can kiss the sky
Claws too free, to play around with the morning glee
Gliding down
From the top of the world
Feeling light, yet being able to rule us all
Flight in bones
Flight in flesh and flight in fall
You get high even when taking a fall

Darling give me your wings
Give me eyes that will make me see
The world around you is all just make believe
Darling give me your wings
Give me flight
You won't understand
I am the nothing man

-- based on a tune called Nothing Man by the great Bruce Springsteen. I have essentially used the same tune, and structure to put my own lyrics in.

Friday, November 18, 2011

indian ocean

for over ten years since i found music, i have been trying to find answers in it. i always maintained that i was part of the woodstock generation and it was in that the answers lied. today after watching "leaving home, the life and music of indian ocean", it feels like i was looking in the wrong places. for the first time i am questioning it; for the first time it feels like - maybe i was just another brown wannabe white. maybe i just talked and talked, maybe i am just one big phony.

i would always worry (not having worried about this problem for anything else in life, anything), maybe i am not a natural at this, maybe it's not really my thing, but then there would be these moments, few of them, very few, that would transport me, that would let me lose myself, that would reinstate my faith in my connection with music.

i've been realizing as i've been growing up that it is not enough to lie in the wake of some generation. this is my generation and there are people beating the odds, doing great, amazing things. musicians, filmmakers, techies, sportspersons. and i held them in great regard because they really are you voice, they really say what you want to. but today after watching indian ocean, it feels so stupid. it feels like all this while i've been so blind. it's like i was trying to learn a new words to understand a language, when here there was somebody singing in my language all along. and i'm not talking about english or hindi

i loved the zeppelin and dylan and they touched my soul, but they sang about different problems, i can relate to them, love them but not find my solution there. they haven't faced communal riots, caste systems. they saw a generation of questions, but different questions. they had problems, sure, but they didn't have the problems that evoke anger in me. all of a sudden it feels like i'll have to start all over again. all of a sudden, i feel completely stupid. where have i been all these years? genius was happening right here. all this while i was swearing at indians for watching white models in clothes and wanting to buy them, and it feels like i'm one of them, the worst of them.

i don't believe in the boundaries of nations, i never did. i always thought why should my consumption of beauty be dependent on boundaries. true, of course they shouldn't be, but there are few things that need to be here. they need to be within the same consciousness you share, withing a particular ecosystem. in all likelihood, this will be one more of those useless epiphanies, but probably the one that left me feeling most stupid.

"bagal mein chora, shahar mein dhindora" - hats off to indian ocean

Thursday, November 17, 2011

something i guess

as the silence of the night begins to linger
i know there is a joke being played somewhere
between the joy and the fear, between the emotions
between the moments that slip away wondering
i know there is a joke, a prank

as the bright daylight beckons
as it tries to painfully find its way through the curtains
as it gently tries to creep inside
meandering and manouvering on the way
nostalgia beckons and is dismissed

as i lay down to begin another unfruitful mood swing
i have to ponder
in fear, in hope, in pain and in joy
how vulnerable this brain of mine has become
how fickle it is in its nature
that it continuously tries to know and seek
and ends up fooling itself

the various elements of synergy combine
to give me nothing of reality
that element missing is me
i am living the dream or living in a dream
and as i get up and take a walk
with hopes to conquer
i would not have woken up at all

Thursday, September 15, 2011

chapter 1

He sat out on the edge overlooking the blue sky made red hot by the mammoth structures of red stone standing in front, almost forming a useless gate. It was almost funny that someone sitting on the gate opposite might have seen much the same thing, except for a slightly different sun. The weather was typical, the hot sun providing in a way that was both comforting and irritating at times, with the cold wind mindlesseley fooling around as if drunk. He hadn't shaved for a few days, and wore khaki trousers with a simple faded blue shirt.

There was a certain calm in his eyes; it might have been the joy of looking at the beauty in front. It was almost funny, how something so raw, crude and unstructured was so pretty, but nothing compared to what he could make of it. The eyes were also weather beaten, but only a few days, and most of all resting, feasting slowly, recuperating amidst nature, amidst finding one alone in nature. They were also searching and dreaming, the skin under his eyes always twitched when his musings affected him.

This was a nice soft secluded spot, and the ride back to the city would take less than a couple of hours. He could imagine walking down the road slowly mingling in with the crowd, them staring at something slightly peculiar, him as good as naked. In fact at times more than regret the loss of finding few who understood, he enjoyed the mirth at those who didn't. With this thought he seemed to find the determination to get up.

It was difficult to get up from the comfortable lounging position and he had to shrug off a few twigs before aimlessly shooting a few pebbles off into the distance. He then turned around, hands in pockets, slightly slouched. "Cut", shouted the director and the crew closed in. The subtitles now rolled showing "asd, starring as Howard Roark in The FountainHead"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

stand up

accents - you know i'm fascinated by accents, it's awesome how they slowly vary and change, how everyone has their own unique way of saying behenchod - uve got the UPites saying like they've been constipated for 5 days behanddchod - then uve got this bengalis saying baanchod like they're pouring honey - biharis baheenchod - bhenchod - manipuris benchod - oey, bhenchodaaa - i wish they did one of those commercials u know where they go and meet people and they say something. it'd be awesome to get that diversity with behenchod - zor se bole, sab mil kar bole - i think it should be the national swearword of india - it's even popular in the south

people say south and north, but it's really not that different is it. i mean in bangalore, they do this "" when ure asking a question, in the north you do it when u know u do it

if you think about it, why are gay people fighting for marriage, it's running evolution backwards. i mean they are people who have the option for polygamy and more evolved relationships, stay together till u want to then screw the shit, there's none of that bullshit. it's a perfect example of the minority having to merge with the majority for acceptance because the majority ostracized them, isn't it, m just saying ure better off without copying this shit

i mean what do u guys want arranged gay marriages - especially in an indian context - who would give the dowry - how would that work - my son is a body builder at tawalkars 50 lakhs at least - my son is a body builder at golds gym, he looks at himself in the mirror for 5 hrs a day - that's all my son kisses his biceps - my son jacks off to himself while looking in the mirror - think about it aren't all narcissistic people a little gay

women are the height balancers in a relationship, what size of heels should i wear. and women who love stilettos are never going to forgive a man for being short. m sure they'll never hear the end of it. and before u know it ure in a party and ure girl's saying - oh had you been a few inches longer, and all people around start laughing. honey

a men's public toilet room is a very funny place - you've got all the dick politics - you've either got people terrified, looking absolutely straight so that their neck even by mistake doesn't twitch an inch - bringing them to the horror - or uve got this impulse you know may be i should just casually take a peek, you know, ive only seen em in porn movies, might as well compare it with something real and get proper feedback, you know - then uve got the head turn eye contact, while lingering as you just barely make eye contact and u try to act completely non-chalant and give a nod - how different is it from a girls toilet - doing each others clips and stuff. i think all women are a little gay and that's a good thing - have u seen them stand in queues, they basically grab the ass at all times

i am sorry to say what russel peters said was true - in kolkata, the girl grabbing the guy's ass

a friend told me a crab is the softest flesh you can ever have, pretentious food bastards, gourmets my ass. you crack open that shit, it needs a fucking hammer - pardon me for being a more evolved human being, not a cave man who has to bang the shit open

a friend of mine once talked about vegetartian sushi, that's like talking about vegetarian biryani, hotdog, or pizza and sandwich for that matter, and to those who disagree fuck u, if u can have a vegetarian club sandwhich i can have telepathic sex
this is where an engineer goes - it's teleconnectic

fucking engineers, but u know i pity them for hte shit they have to deal with, hostels, no women - and the ones who get them are gods, though not alwyas - a friend of mine was called gay for all of his life

parents have weird expectations and they don't realize it comes a lot from who they are. phds think their son is useless if they do an mba, marwaris think their son is useless if he can't count cash at 55 notes/minute

male friends talking for comfort useless, my friends girlfriend calls me, talk to him he's really down, im thinking why don't u fucking talk to him, or u know do the other thing. he's sorry in his head, just don't leave enough blood for it, but i had to go, cos she'd promised my she'd introduce me to her friend. i went and stood for 5 mins. i didn't get the introduction

dont u think indians are awesome with all the ancient knowledge, vedas and everything - no i think ure stupid, fuck u - the amreicans know more about kamastutra than we do, they have the websites, the wkiperdia entries, the videos - the americans know more about my history - yoga, kamasutra. walked into blossoms, and that place has nothing but firangi authors about indian stuff

pretentious stupid fuck coffee

don't u think the whole woman man thing is a big gimmick, at least when it comes to courting the other, i mean grow a bunch, get on with it. the journey is better my ass

i've always been fond of the sari, when it commes to my culture for dresses, otherwise it's bikini all the way, victoria's secret. i mean the sari is not the thing of indian tradition and monotny and bollocks, it's the fucking erotic side to our civilization, have u seen the chicks wrapping it around, just wrapping it around

the treatment of sex has always baffled me here, i mean we, the fucking creators of kamasutra cringe at the mention of sex. we are probably the only civilization to disobey everything our bible says and still be proud of it. "i keep coming back to hte kamasutra :P"

i mean society is weird man, you know, we go to boys/girls schools. in some colleges, they sit the dudes and the dudettes separately. all dressing rooms in all public places are separated for boys and girls. in effect the society is trying to turn you into a homosexual and the ostracize you for being one.

i mean public display is fine, it's just a bunch of moohing, and on occasion the crashing of two pairs of boobs (the sad part is it's heterosexual) but what really disturbs is friends, when they half-do it while im watching a movie with them - on the same bed and there's turning and stuff

a friend of a friend of mine, or a writer once said about our people. the guys here are so ugly and the women so beautiful. i agree to that, completely. i personally feel that applies globally but whatever he said more so in india, and i take it ok, completely for all the women, except the ugly ones. (and fuck u if u don't like this objective classification  you can go die u communist, go have sex with brinda karat or arundhati roy) i mean it's true man, it's completely fucknig true man, indian women are beautiful and guys are ugly. i mean how would that not happen, we are basically a soceity where the girl needs to be pretty to get laid and the guy needs to be rich to get some. no wonder every indian household has a fat ugly bastard who reads the newspaper at the breakfast table and farts constantly, while the girl is applying all that voodoo paste to get pretty. it's fine sweetheart, as long as the end product is nice, we don't mind the "journey" as it were

but maybe it's a good system, you know this whole thing, bertrand russell had this saying "", guy takes care of finance, in turn girl takes care of u know the other shit ;-) but very financially speaking, like a true dalal street person, i ask the guy isn't it a bad investment if he hasn't accounted for inflation - you know what i mean - i mean i don't get it, whay happens to u chicks, u eat baking soda after marriage, does the guy pump shit into you - i saw the snaps of this chick ok, 1 snap before marriage - and she's hot ok, panju ok, really hot, and then one snap like a week before marriage, she looks like the snowman from a ghost movie - 3 spheres

who created monogamy anyway - now even my mom is worried for me, girls you should use that trick. definitely a communist


beat the shit out of the maid

you know at times i get all ehtereal - that's a new word i invented for zenlike - and i think philosphically - which is what some modern japanese douche invented for buddhalike i guess - i think about life and its consequences and purpose and shit - and then i think to myself on this one hand there is a scientist who invented the nuclear bomb, the missiles, the guns, that blasted the world to bits, that created so much misery and on the other hand there is this person who invented chocolate - i mean u look at musharraf and bush and don't u think they could do with a little chocolate - m telling u with enough chocolate we can end wars - it's not for no reason britannia named them pure magic.

some time clothes went for being protection - fashion, where exactly did this happen. i mean ok, earlier you used boobs to lure us, now it's bras, makes sense u couldn't grow boobs (well know u can), but ok so it went from fanny display to tag display, hunney, lookkee hereee ive got ze gucci - but when the fuck did it go from being comfortable to a pain in the ass - i mean have u seen these women walking in heels - using the guy as a fucking arm-rest, or someone taking fucking half an hour to get into her pants - or get a cellphone out of them - u know i once went out with a girl and we couldn't cos she couldn't climb on the fucking seat - i was really looking for something sophisticated - i mean i was in russia once and i see this woman, like in her 60s or something walking in heels this tall, and this poor guy alongside her trying to support her with all his might - he too was in his 60s!

i was once an inexperienced rider on an rx100. that is not a good combination, specially when uve got to take a girl behind you, cos im telling u it's more difficult - for partly the same reason that you love them - and then she said she didn't like my bike cos it was very loud and created a lot of noise pollution - that was the last she heard from me - you DO NOT insult my bike, and an RX at that - do i go and swear at hello kitty

women pulling low clothes up - hey is it just me or girls shop from the kids section a lot.

i never reall took advatage of being young u know - there is always this age when ure cute enough that women think of u as a kid, but u have changed within - the monster has risen - but i missed that age man -  my cosuin he'd come - i mean they are like o cho chweet, little kid, and then i'd get the fucking head pat - but there was an age when i was cute enough, when i was in russia in fact, when i was just a kid, and i can look at what i was missing as a kid - in the photographs - of really hot "aunties" in really short skirts fondling with me as a kid

i wonder what white women go through when they come to india - cos let's face it, most of india has only really watched them on screen in porn movies - i mean you know they come here to do their thesis on indian culture, the colours, the diversity, they go to benaras and they are curiously looking at a indian guy, and that dude is wondering, she looks a lot like that girl from the porn magazine - i swear to u i am not kidding man - i went on a field trip to do research in west bengal - and while waiting for a bus back home, i thought i'd get a magazine or something to read in the bus, so i go to the magazine stand and all i find there is porn, bloody magazines in bengal subtext - "aapni ki hat sex korte chaan" - i swear man

i would love to be a fashion photographer - i mean - gym instructor - ask a woman to stretch and then scold her when she doesn't get it right!

ok what is it with peta and playboy - i mean i understand we should be kind to animals except when we're eating them - but why are all the beautiful naked women shouting for them - and you're not doing a great deal to them for stripping are you, when my mouse pointer is five clicks away from u anyway. www.torrentz.com - you know people talk about how the ipad has revolutionized the industry and i agree, steve jobs says we want to take consumer satisfaction to a great level where they have noething to compare to - true when was the last time u could play with boobs with multi-touch 'finger gestures'

girls and dogs , girls and royal enfield

critical mass ratio - the threshold beyond whoch one can't be on top in a relationship - you know what i mean - i mean kurl-on can only shift it a bit

what if terminator had sex with pamela anderson, he truly would get the shock of his life

ok how do midgets shop - in the child section right - i love my mommy - speaking of children have u seen how they flirt - see you in 13 years sweetheart - and then comes a jew kid in between and wins the race - me just ready in 11 baby - it takes a while doesn't it ;-)

pu ur hands up if u love harry potter - fuck u losers -

doppelgangers - fuckin doppelgangers

man i saw into the wild -

we are probably one of the few places where rahul gandhi is called a young man. 40 is not a young man, beyond 25 ure already half veteran, max 30, nothing more - have u seen a coporate at like 27-28. they look like they're trying so hard to have fun
cos let's face it, we as a race are not good at having fun - we feel guilty when we have fun - it's like forbidden fruit - but then again how do you expect vegetarians to have fun anyway - that's why i like punjabis and anglos, they are at least a few who are better

ok enrique, once and for all just answer me, are you just constipated or perpetually horny, cos it could really be either from the looks of it. i mean if u go to my grandma, she'll get u that badhajmi ka dawa in seconds and sort u out - for life - u guessed right, it's from personal experience, i couldn't shit without levitating for 6 days man!

ok what's with bangalore and butter milk - i mean half your semen's going to turn out to be butter milk i tell ya!

hotel rooms are meant to corrupt - you're with a girl, u go in and ahve sex - you're not with one you jerk off

grandad taking me to a temple like me making u watch playboy. u have ure bhajans, i have my sex tape :P

i hate locks, the way the fuckers twitch and u have to fight that right angle.

for all those who said i couldn't crack a joke - fuck u

Monday, September 05, 2011

the dark side

i sometimes wonder why we always like the crazy; why we always like the tragic deaths, the unfinished stories. why we crave for the likes of syd barret and jim morrison, why we yearn for the young dead, what is it about the sad endings.

does syd barret show us who we really are? do the likes of jim morrison project a reflection to the hidden self of soceity. is that it? is it really that? it makes sense sometimes because we humans have been trained for so long, and now begin our training so young, that we have forgotten how we are animals, forgotten our basic instincts. it springs forward each time there is an emotion, be it love or rage. at times i wonder how we would appear to the early man, with us wearing clothes and ornaments and labels and tags; i wonder if we met an animal with equal intelligence as ours, how he would take to us. is it because of this we like jim morrison. is it because of this that when he shouts "Mother, i wanna fuck you", while some part of us fearfully cringes, some part of it shows our untamed self who we really are.

some don't like these people. but do they not do so because they are afraid, or have trained themselves not to look. some of us live in awe of these people, are these the worst of the lot; aren't these, like me, the warriors that didn't show up. why do we always like the eccentric, or have a soft corner for these bad apples, the rotten eggs. these are people who pursue the ideal, and settle for nothing less, or simply can't help it because they are blinded by their selfish imagination. we are few, we need validation, are we really that few, or we are the ones that never mattered. the farmer will always cry for the one sheep that got lost, is it because of this we miss them, because they are the missing ingredient. i wonder why we call them missing, because they are missing, or because we need them.

who were these people. they were a critique to the human race. they were a critique to the fact that we have either forgotten to be human, or changed the definition. they were born on the figments of imagination, and thrive on the edges of glory. they are romantics, they are disdainful. they are the troubled ones, they are the ones who were never understood. 'you don't understand, you can't see this, you don't know what it feels like', they said. is it because of this that we like them, that we feel the same way. were they crying for beauty and looking in the wrong places, or the places they went had never been given any light, or had all the light taken away from it.

the dishevelled wolf thrives in the dark
but searches for the light
it finds calm and solace in the dark
but can only see the light

it's goal is the light, but journey is the dark
for hours and hours, it travels in the cold
till the end, from the beginning
it can neither see nor hear anyone
like no can see it or hear it

-the wolf

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

a company - for the people, of the people, by the people

There have been various forms of political orders researched and executed over time; discussions have ranged from people-centric to individual-centric, both essentially the same, and all have failed miserably, to say the least. But then it's probably that none were fine enough to work with something as delicate as human nature.

The modern form of preferred government structure has been democracy. Another structure of managing humans and expectations on a large scale has been organizational and customer management in large companies. If happiness or satisfaction quotient were alone the deciding factor, there would be little doubt companies far outdo their counterparts. But then, one could reason that governments are faced with tougher problems such managing the military, health and education standards. They have to think about all shores of the society and even work with legislative standards to ensure that no-wrongdoing happens, in fact a good case could be made about the fact that it is in fact the government that helps sustain the ecosystem of companies. Given this, it would be safe to say that a government's job is more legislative than executive. In fact it could be easily seen that whether it be the execution of healthcare, education or even military, most of the achievements in the field, research or execution have not been made by the active government anyway. So they are in effect a system that prevents somebody infringing upon the rights of another, misappropriation of resources, again a legislative body.

Now let us judge both these systems of organization over the following counts.

agility - This implies how quickly does an organization respond to change (pardon the usage. i am after all a software guy :P); change in requirements, change in perception, change in climate. A product released by the company has a fault. Judge the occasions when this happens and how the company responds to this. Within days there are product callbacks, advertisements apologizing for the mistake, the service desk on their feet, response teams, a new replacement and money back schemes available within days. And how does this work with a government, given their product is essentially a rule/law. Firstly, it is not clear to anyone what the law is about anyway; let's face it there is no help manual. It is written in english, at best victorian to a few, and greek to the rest. It is a while before few people actually get down to it's flaws (with a product, there would be reviews even before the product has been launched.) By the time there is debate over it, few people know what it is really about and there is nothing but adulterated debate over talk shows. Rarely if it hurts the masses, there is big enough criticism to bring about a painful change to it, which in most cases is rendered useless by the time change takes place anyway. Talk to them about the value of change at the right time. Governments could learn a lot from companies, and a lot from software companies as well. How to make things that are complicated, simple for people (Want an example, how easy was it setting up your computer, phone or mail account today). How to make a rule that helps not just the majority, but others too. How to audit processes, and do them fast.

free market - The term is pretty self-explanatory. Is there really a free market for governments. How long does it take for the customer representative to be fired or fired at when he isn't satisfactory (5 mins, by the way). In governments, the employees could abuse you and you wouldn't have a say. How long does it take for a VP/CEO to be fired when his division fails (1 quarter). How long does it take for a sports team manager to be fired when his team doesn't perform well (3 losses in a row). In governments, we have a 5 year tenure by default. In companies, you're the king as long as you're doing well, and you're out if you're not. You're measured by revenue and profits, which is directly linked to the consumer. Where is the measuring stick in governments? It works in a collective. You either get one or the other, the devil or the deap sea. Who says a bi-political party is good. Companies cannot exist without the people. History shows that governments exist without the consent of people. People say we elect the government, but do we really have much choice. What governments do not talk about when they say they were chosen by the people is that they didn't have much of a choice to begin with. Again I choose a term used by startups; "barrier to entry" - this is one of the things unusually high in politics. I mean 99% are not going to have the right kind of background by default anyway. You have to choose a party to be in the game, which essentially means that you'd have to dress funny, among other things. But once you do manage to enter a party, which generally has to be done to gain traction, begins probably the most arduous and autocratic journey up the ladder (which is anyway capped). So i'm not buying that they are the elected ones anyway. There is more to people not voting than just irresponsibility. Companies are expected to provide results to their stakeholders with maximum transparency (not really there, ponzi after all), but at least they are better than governments in that. I can't recollect the last time they printed a concrete result. Focus on distribution machinery in the tier-3 segment in low tech tools helped a productivity gain of .5% nationally in agriculture. Simple.

HR practises - This I think is the inherent problem with the way governments function and the way companies function. There are ultimately two things needed at the top. The ability to solve a problem, and the intent to. Ability shall be available with smart people, not just the kind that can do math, but them too. These are people who on occasion trump exams, trump jobs and promotions and trump results in general. It is generally accepted that very rarely the best of minds make it into politics; very few countries have been able to perform decently otherwise. Intent is something as important, but cannot be perfectly measured, poorly measured by past and the only effective method has been results. Companies face the same dilemma, of course they have stringent interviews. I can hardly imagine politicians acing a critical reasoning interview, but the least step that governments can do is reward results. (The appointment of Nandan Nilekani is a very good example, but he had to rise to fame before being considered) How about a formula given to a CEO, given to a municipal leader? Motivation strives on reward. If we are going to wait for a few million evangelists to work two decades of their life to uplift various social sectors for nothing but the satisfaction of their work, I am afraid we are going to be waiting for a long time.

the niche - A very wise man once said "The strength of a democracy lies in how it protects the minority" (I heard it from the director of a play about the making of Sakharam Binder - check it out, you'll understand). It is actually amazingly true. Most governments tend to not just protect the rights of the majority, but also "give in" to them. So if the majority doesn't like what the minority is doing they want to stop that too. That's violation of rights, not protection. In companies, they don't say well we'll just protect the majority users, in fact we like the minority even more cos they are obsessed with us. And in case they're not and they shut the line, there is always a new entrepreneur just waiting for that opportunity. Companies do what people want. period. If there is a niche, there is a company serving that niche. In fact, most of the independent art market thrives on that. People who love it are producers and consumers, and the internet is making it ever easier, and in effect democratizing it. That is how companies serve all people more effectively, because that's the only reason they exist!

the communistic approach - i have a feeling that the concept of marriage and monogamy was created by ugly people. Think about it, in olden times, it was a free market. A guy/girl with skill at wooing the opposite sex would get the best looking of the lot and way more than one. How could other people stand that happening? They wouldn't go about changing their personalities and presentation, of course. And lo, there came marriage and monogamy. Now don't beat me on the analogy here, but get the drift. We have a communistic approach built in ourselves from childhood; it is so fundamentally drilled in, that it takes us a good part of mental puberty to understand otherwise. I mean should money really be distributed evenly. If you had a pond of water, who'd you rather used the pond, a guy who used it for agriculture, or somebody who hedged it fruitlessly for it to evaporate. Shouldn't that be factored into account while distributing, who's going to use it better. Both companies and governments have the communistic approach, the former much lesser in nature.

So as we were talking about the legislation, let us imagine a world where this was the sole responsibility of the government was legislation (and of course seeing people stick to it). How can they learn from companies? How can they satisfy everyone, bring it to everyone's knowledge and most importantly take feedback and constantly improve Let us take the example of facebook. It has a client base more diverse than any government in the world, and population close to india and china. It does have to legislate on a number of privacy based rules (agreed one simple subset, but let's see what we can learn from them). The biggest take away from facebook is that they accept legislature as a constantly changing puzzle and try to stay on top of things. They accept that people are going to change, and they try to give each person what they wish for. You may say that this is a wrong analogy and a computer setting is different from real life. But you'd be wrong, these rules can be just as applied to real life, and with the systems as powerful and connected in the world today, we have the ability to manage that. For example, governments are probably months behind when it comes to customer feedback and expectations. Companies aren't. They are active to helplines and customer feedback. We know have technology to categorize millions of comments and feedback and present it as a succinct report to the president everyday, all you have to do is listen. Listen to Mark Zuckerberg talk about how they legislate. It is a very active problem and how do they solve it, simple. They listen to everyone, categorize it into subset problems, come up with the rule/law, also decide on the default law, empower the client to suit his/her need, explain it to the client in a simple way, and if there is a mistake, they get to know it fast and fix it fast.

I am not saying that governments should overnight function as companies, companies have their own set of drawbacks, and legislation is definitely required to ensure nobody abuses the rights of another, but companies have a way of pleasing users that is unmatched. If we bring agility and similar accountability, I believe we would have a better system in place. The internet is probably the greatest example of democracy in the world; it truly gives people a voice. "all you have to do is listen"

p.s - In fact the success of a company is so accurately a critique to the human race. If Britney is more popular than Bob, then it will clearly be reflected, but as long as a few people listen to Bob, there will be a company catering to that, just a smaller company.

Friday, May 27, 2011

my inklings review

appu, you have a beautiful mind. i mean i knew you had a good mind, but now i can say with "inklings" as proof that it is what people call a beautiful mind.

if i was gonna write a mail about it, i was gonna do it proprly, better late than never :P

now i'd already told you, "who wrote the rules" was fabulous! simply so! the fucking rules ;-)

"And the sensibility of daylight would make
tonight's words sound as stupid an attempt at humor as a hyena's laugh"
"Why was she stuck in his head like an addictive soundtrack that refused to change?"

excellent! simply excellent! you seem to have an excellent grasp of the psyche of both men and women and that shows in the stories of romance. these lines could not have been written without perfect imagniation!

the revolt of the coconut trees was a very humorous way to put a simple principle in perspective. the credits was just laughwreck!

the stories are perfectly positioned to help the reader imagine, it's a photograph or a scene or a short film

Venus - again the romance aspect has been done beautifully and has come out very naturally, it captures the tension really well. credits again was genius. i somehow felt this was a lot of you, while reading i thought this was from real life, but then that's maybe cos i know u :P

"in a new light" - yes, background noise is a lot like that, isn't it, jarring at times, and blurred at times

"cheekY" - i swear who doesn't feel the same way, some people just have awesome cheeks, i mean u look at their face and it's nothing but cheeks

"always" - tell me the guitar was classic acoustic :P

greenie - excellent name. for once i thought it ended at "Greenie was born in a cauliflower farm.." but i imagined kids in standard 3-4 are people really old enough then to have the boy girl prejudice

crash and die - again i could follow the movement and paint the picture so easily, beautifully done, nice ending

oil on a canvas was also great, that seemed like a great painting.

now, that was just bits and pieces. absolutely loved it, tell me you're coming out with a novel soon, all you need now is some mythology :P dude, on a serious note, ok somewhat serious here, continue this, it's awesome!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

three generations

'haveli ki umr saath saal' - The aforementioned proverb is an old hindi one, which means that the life of a palace is 60 years. Sixty years comprising three generations, each generation 20 years. In short, it actually means that prosperity in a family runs for three generations, the first is the entreprenurial, the second manages the establishment and the third wastes it away. I cannot help but feel the person who came up with this didn't have a secret urge to be in the third. I do not abide by this, but it does bring a certain point to the table. Three generations for a peasant is different from the three generations of a worker, specially a white collar indian worker, and different still from the three generations of a an establishment with a 'haveli'.

I am a member of the second generation. I am sure everyone talking about himself thinks of himself as being in the second generation, even the third generation :P Thing is there are different scales at work, the upward scale and the downward scale, the scale of prosperity and the scale of gloom. I will be talking about the upward scale, the road to prosperity, if it were or to a better life, a life with more convenience, a life with less troubles to learn from, or perhaps larger troubles to learn from. My growing up, my ghosts, my limitations, much less severe than the generations before me have been those of the generation before me. But still I find myself puzzled in this quarter life as I am sure many would have including all generations. This is where I shall disuss the troubles of my generation.

Parents of my day or people from the first generation were certainly brought up in a different time. They were brought up with 5 cousins for starters. They were brought up in a country much poorer than today (The Nehruvian economy hadn't still been opened, you see). They were married at an age when I hadn't left college yet and had kids at the age when I had just started to "work". In short they had to take care of a lot more than we did. They did so relentlessely for decades, thinking we, their kids would take up the mantle.

We were a generation up to date with what was going on in the world, better trained to walk at pace with it. We saw a world not limited by making it work, not limited by getting by, not limited by the next step. We wanted it all, and never knew what we wanted. We don't feel like scraping for more anymore. We have enough rest and comfort to value rest, value other musings. These things aren't most natural to us, but we yearn for them to explore them. Yet there is a mantle to be taken, the cruel job of continuing. We want to be the third generation. We want to be the generation that gets it all, because only we have tasted mildly what it feels like. We want to be the kids we envied in a way growing up, yet we want to be outcasts all the same. We want to be the righteous kids as well, the performers, the passive audience, everything. But to do all this, we have to throw the mantle. We thus want to be the third generation, the generation with no mantle to carry.

I agree that whatever was presented was excrutiatingly limited in scope, but purposely so. Every generation gets to be the most advanced generation. Are we supposed to bring something to the table, or leave the table. I guess this is predicament of the second generation.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

how has internet changed competition?

We are so aware of the "gazillion" ways in which internet has changed our life - from the paradigm shift in the access of information, to the upheavel of all means of communication, to the way we publish, advertize and inform, and even in the way of meeting people and making friendships. Many may argue over the overlooked pitfalls of this and some may defend this new almost completely egalitarian soceity (unless you're living in china, of course). But I am going to try to point out one of the benefits of the internet which I haven't noticed to be discussed much. On how it has changed competition. This is a direct consequence of the consequence of the global village and the enlarged negihbourhood.

The human brain is limited by the soceity structure, prevailing beliefs and views of its time. It is thus only natural that our performance in any subject or field is affected by the people and the performers around us. The internet provides a much wider base for these thoughts. Two simple examples ought to elucidate this. Every sportsman targets the best, or the world record, or at least the front runner in the race. The best possible is limited by the best. It has been noticed across times that specialists in one field have often come from a region. There is always a city famous for its art pieces, a country for its footballers, another for its technology. One may argue the various reasons to explain this, but it cannot be neglected that the presence of prime competition is one of them.

The internet today gives us the ability to truly know the best in the world. A simple search on the ubiquitous google or youtube will most certainly return prompt results of the best performances in any field. One can not only know who has done it, one can know what exactly has been and in fact see it happen on video (the best form of virtual reality present in abundance today). The boundaries of reality in your mind are stretched at a few keystrokes. In case of the highly popular fields, broadcast media did a fairly good job of showing the best, but with the internet, we have access to amazing performances in various arts, science and sports fields all throughout the world. If there is a new design in local resouce access done in a remote location, other people have access to it. It spreads your universe, broadens the spectrum. A budding fighter can see incredible martial arts experts in the world, or a magician can view tricks he has never imagined before. Artists from different cultures can interact as seamlessely with other artists as they were living in the same locality. The wheel already invented has become so much bigger in scope.

There are numerous examples possible of how we are affected and how we can be in terms of competition, but suffice it to say, that it is one of the few things that directly affects what we do. Our creations are limited by our dreams. We dream bigger when more is possible. With the internet, you can see your neighbour's dream in action, in the neighbourhood of the world.