What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Hi fellowmembers and colleagues,

I've been putting this of for a pretty long while now. The reason I call this first is not because it's my first post but because it should be my first and I wanted it to be so. Isn't that the most important part really but let's put that topic for a while. It might take us dangerously off track. Actually it comes only seconds after my first post but the idea here really is not just to address you but to address myself as a matter of fact and bring myself to terms with what I'm doing, blogging of course. It's like an introduction addressed to me and what I'd like to tell myself about bloging and put that online. That I guess is what blogging is all about. There are things better left unsaid and those tough to say. This is for the latter. Tough to say to someone. Tougher to say to yourself.
Practical as we all know is a word not wicked in itself but wickedly used so I will just do that once to inform you that I won't be practical here. I'm not here for that and rarely ever there for anything(tch tch tch..) but this is just to inform you that I'll only be philosophical or political over here, whenever i AM.

this i believe is enough to let u know of what you can expect. mindless stupidity personified

and by the way i love u all, better than saying i hate u, isn't it, and i mean both. but just to inform you again that of those two sides of the same coin of life there lies more dirt for me than anyone else. i like dirt though.


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