What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


addcliche(home is where the heart is);

Home in and home out/
Home through and home far/
home to be where we are/
home for those and us/
home about to beckon the realms of stupendous liberty and magnificent thought through nothing but the blunt lines of ink on bleak traces of keys/
home above and all/
home through to me and fallacy of the falls through which I can see none but thy shine neither beneath nor under the sky../
a blizzard can fade to light, sounds cliched but i might turn in again to lets call wat we're putting through as the llight/
the control points hoop as i carelesseley in a stride right struck by sweet delite of an everfading momentary glimpse of pasthood through which nothing but that flickers around..more of wat i dont know the already stated brings more lite(hhh) and the energy of my life.../
all my hatred all my sorrow...the happiness i cant compare and the mirth i dont need to guess...my love for the love/
and yes home is wer the i is and shall be/

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