What i feel, think and imagine, I spell!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

remembering fatimah

she walked in wrapped in white and blue
with an innocent grin on her face
jesting, naughty, free and smart
she easily lit up the place

her smile, her easiness was of natural fibre
acting wasn't about acting at all
she walked with a book of leaves prised to her chest
there was such life within

then she came one night, hurried in fashion
a shawl wrapped around her
with hair falling and never ending
and eyes twinkling through and through

there she stood slim on toes
with the backdrop of the night
the night cowered behind
her fairy had landed

as we sat together and talked
her hair touched my face
it was as if we'd known each other
laughing over and over by the parking lot

it was to be cut short
the day she came to me in her salwar
we spend the day stealing glances at each other
with the rest of the world uproar

time has a funny way of playing
and began another adventure
she became the master
and me the hungry pastor

she wore a lot other pretty things
but the prettiest she wore was her hair
the beads, the simple cotton fabric, the torn jeans
were mere appendages to garment
that flowed like the night river

that river celebrated everytime
we shared the night sky and moonlight
we spend many a time fumbling and fondling

there were those times
she was wrapped like a mafia at midnight
there were those times
we stayed up talking all night

we shared dreams, aspirations and visions
we shared hopes, ideas and our bodies
we also shared our souls and existence
we shared everything we had and
we shared everything we could offer

there were times when she wore yellow
there were times when she wore orange
there were times when we talked for hours
with her sitting by the window sill

we comforted and motivated
we cheered as a team
we made jokes and were naughty
we walked, drove and rode

we felt elation together
we hid together and
we admired together
we resented together

as i look back upon those moments, i realize
the best way to know what attracted you
is to remember a memory
only the thing that attracted you will be there
and the rest will be a haze
and you're flooded all over the place

we began a journey
i didn't know i could feel this way
i guess i didn't know to love
and i guess you were on your search for it

we still haven't found
but i hope you do
i really do
both love and and peace


Anonymous said...

Exhilarating !!! moving . . . nostalgic . . . rewinding . . . whimsical & charming . . .

Anonymous said...

lucky is the woman who inspired this rumbling . . . magical are the moments that flow thru honest hands that were typing !